SCIENCE DIRECT Paper Writing Services

The compilation of SCIENCE DIRECT Papers that we extend our full assistance to scholars for is presented below. As such, the schedule for publication is contingent upon the unique editorial and peer-review procedures of each journal, rather than being dictated by ScienceDirect. Our team at comprises proficient writers and developers with expertise across various disciplines, providing thorough writing and publication aid for both paid and nonpaid journals.

General Timeline for Publication Process:

  1. Submission to First Decision: The initial review period can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months. On average, authors can expect an initial decision within 1 to 3 months after submission. This phase we include the initial check by the editorial team and the peer-review process.
  2. Revisions: If revisions are required, the time needed can significantly vary depending on the extent of the revisions requested and how quickly the authors can resubmit their revised manuscript. In this process we take anywhere from a few weeks to several months.
  3. Post-Acceptance to Online Publication: Once a paper is accepted, it can be published online as an “Article in Press” quite quickly, often within a week or two. This allows the paper to be accessible even before it’s formally published in an issue of the journal.
  4. Final Publication: The time from acceptance to appearance in a specific journal issue can vary. Some journals publish articles on a rolling basis as soon as they’re ready, while others may wait to publish articles together in an issue, which can take additional weeks or months.

Factors Influencing Publication Time:

  • Field of Study: Some fields have faster review processes due to the nature of the research or urgency (e.g., medical research).
  • Journal Workload: High-volume or highly sought-after journals might have longer processing times.
  • Quality and Clarity of Submission: Papers that require extensive revisions or clarifications can see longer publication times.
  • Peer Review Availability: The availability of suitable, responsive peer reviewers can affect the review timeline.

Top SCIENCE DIRECT journals list

This list showcases the diversity of research fields and topics covered by ScienceDirect journals:

  1. The Lancet
  2. Cell
  3. Journal of the American College of Cardiology
  4. Advanced Materials
  5. Energy Policy
  6. Applied Energy
  7. Journal of Financial Economics
  8. NeuroImage
  9. Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports
  10. Physics Reports
  11. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
  12. Chemical Engineering Journal
  13. Nano Energy
  14. Journal of Power Sources
  15. Computers in Human Behavior
  16. Journal of Cleaner Production
  17. Water Research
  18. Artificial Intelligence
  19. Journal of Hazardous Materials
  20. Bioresource Technology
  21. Pattern Recognition
  22. Biomaterials
  23. Trends in Biotechnology
  24. Journal of Business Venturing
  25. Social Science & Medicine
  26. Ecological Economics
  27. Remote Sensing of Environment
  28. Journal of Corporate Finance
  29. Journal of Operations Management
  30. Building and Environment
  31. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
  32. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science
  33. Journal of Informetrics
  34. Journal of Ethnopharmacology
  35. Journal of Web Semantics
  36. Cement and Concrete Research
  37. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics
  38. Agricultural Water Management
  39. Marine Pollution Bulletin
  40. International Journal of Project Management

List of SCIENCE DIRECT journals

We offer complete assistance to researchers for the SCIENCE DIRECT papers listed below. Get best writing and publication services from Journal Title ISSN Subjects
1. Houille Blanche 186368 Water Science and Technology
2. Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung 14391783 00120235 Water Science and Technology
3. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering 380741 Water Science and Technology
4. International Journal of Water Resources Development 7900627 Water Science and Technology
5. Journal of Water and Health 14778920 Water Science and Technology
7. AQUATIC MAMMALS 0167-5427 Zoology
8. BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY 1045-2249 Zoology
11. ENVIRONMENTAL FLUID MECHANICS 1567-7419 Water Resources
13. ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE 1364-8152 Water Resources
15. ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY 1520-4081 Water Resources
16. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 10184619 Waste Management and Disposal
17. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine 12321966 Waste Management and Disposal
18. Journal of Environmental Management 3014797 Waste Management and Disposal
19. Journal of Environmental Quality 472425 Waste Management and Disposal
20. Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 0265931X Waste Management and Disposal
21. Melanges de la Casa de Velazquez 0076230X Visual Arts and Performing Arts
22. Medievalia et Humanistica 766127 Visual Arts and Performing Arts
23. Eighteenth-Century Life 982601 Visual Arts and Performing Arts
24. Keramische Zeitschrift 230561 Visual Arts and Performing Arts
25. Traditio 3621529 Visual Arts and Performing Arts
26. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases 15303667 Virology
27. Trends in Microbiology 0966842X Virology
28. Virologie 12678694 Virology
29. Virology 426822 Virology
30. Virus Genes 9208569 Virology
31. ANNUAL REVIEW OF ANIMAL BIOSCIENCES 2165-8102 Veterinary Sciences
32. ANTHROZOOS 0892-7936 Veterinary Sciences
33. APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE 0168-1591 Veterinary Sciences
35. AUSTRALIAN VETERINARY JOURNAL 0005-0423 Veterinary Sciences
36. Journal of Veterinary Science 1229845X Veterinary (all)
37. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 10427260 Veterinary (all)
38. Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja 0025004X Veterinary (all)
39. Medycyna Weterynaryjna 258628 Veterinary (all)
40. New Zealand Veterinary Journal 480169 Veterinary (all)
41. CARDIORENAL MEDICINE 1664-3828 Urology & Nephrology
42. CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL NEPHROLOGY 1342-1751 Urology & Nephrology
43. CLINICAL GENITOURINARY CANCER 1558-7673 Urology & Nephrology
45. CLINICAL KIDNEY JOURNAL 2048-8505 Urology & Nephrology
46. World Journal of Urology 7244983 Urology
47. Andrologia 3034569 Urology
48. International Urogynecology Journal 9373462 Urology
49. Asian Journal of Andrology 1008682X Urology
50. Urogynaecologia International Journal 11213086 Urology
51. London Journal 3058034 Urban Studies
52. Urban History 9639268 Urban Studies
53. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 1989715 Urban Studies
54. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 8955638 Urban Studies
55. Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture 9567933 Urban Studies
56. PROMET-TRAFFIC & TRANSPORTATION 0353-5320 Transportation Science & Technology
57. TRANSPORT 1648-4142 Transportation Science & Technology
58. TRANSPORTATION 0049-4488 Transportation Science & Technology
60. TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AND TECHNOLOGY 0308-1060 Transportation Science & Technology
61. International Journal of Crashworthiness 13588265 Transportation
62. Communications – Scientific Letters of the University of Zilina 13354205 Transportation
63. Transport Reviews 1441647 Transportation
64. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management 9600035 Transportation
65. Research in Transportation Economics 7398859 Transportation
66. Cellular Therapy and Transplantation 1867416X Transplantation
67. International Journal of Hematology-Oncology and Stem Cell Research 17351243 Transplantation
68. Transplant Research and Risk Management 11791616 Transplantation
69. CKJ: Clinical Kidney Journal 20488505 Transplantation
70. International Journal of Organ Transplantation Medicine 20086490 Transplantation
71. Chemico-Biological Interactions 92797 Toxicology
72. Critical Reviews in Toxicology 10408444 Toxicology
73. Addictive Behaviors 3064603 Toxicology
74. Alcohol 7418329 Toxicology
75. Alcohol and Alcoholism 7350414 Toxicology
76. Journal of Leisure Research 222216 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management
77. Leisure Sciences 1490400 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management
78. Leisure Studies 2614367 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management
79. Annals of Tourism Research 1607383 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management
80. Museum Management and Curatorship 9647775 Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management
82. FLOW TURBULENCE AND COMBUSTION 1386-6184 Thermodynamics
83. FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA 0378-3812 Thermodynamics
84. HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER 0947-7411 Thermodynamics
85. HEAT TRANSFER ENGINEERING 0145-7632 Thermodynamics
86. Surgical Oncology 9607404 Surgery
87. Wound Repair and Regeneration 10671927 Surgery
88. Surgical Oncology Clinics of North America 10553207 Surgery
89. World Journal of Surgical Oncology 14777819 Surgery
90. Auris Nasus Larynx 3858146 Surgery
91. Journal of Applied Polymer Science 218995 Surfaces, Coatings and Films
92. Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical 9244247 Surfaces, Coatings and Films
93. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 1694243 Surfaces, Coatings and Films
94. Journal of Plastic Film and Sheeting 87560879 Surfaces, Coatings and Films
95. Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing 2724324 Surfaces, Coatings and Films
96. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 9277765 Surfaces and Interfaces
97. Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science 13590294 Surfaces and Interfaces
98. Langmuir 7437463 Surfaces and Interfaces
99. Colloid Journal 1061933X Surfaces and Interfaces
100. European Physical Journal E 12928941 Surfaces and Interfaces
101. JOURNAL OF STUDIES ON ALCOHOL AND DRUGS 1937-1888 Substance Abuse
102. NICOTINE & TOBACCO RESEARCH 1462-2203 Substance Abuse
103. SUBSTANCE ABUSE 0889-7077 Substance Abuse
104. SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE 1082-6084 Substance Abuse
105. TOBACCO CONTROL 0964-4563 Substance Abuse
106. Canadian Entomologist 0008347X Structural Biology
107. Computational Biology and Chemistry 14769271 Structural Biology
108. Crystallography Reviews 0889311X Structural Biology
109. Journal of Molecular Recognition 9523499 Structural Biology
110. Journal of Peptide Science 10752617 Structural Biology
111. Rocky Mountain Geology 15557332 Stratigraphy
112. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences 2517493 Stratigraphy
113. Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae 2089068 Stratigraphy
114. Foldtani Kozlony 0015542X Stratigraphy
115. Andean Geology 7187092 Stratigraphy
116. Journal of Advanced Transportation 1976729 Strategy and Management
117. European Journal of Industrial Relations 9596801 Strategy and Management
118. Journal of Cleaner Production 9596526 Strategy and Management
119. Journal of Operations Management 2726963 Strategy and Management
120. Industrial Management and Data Systems 2635577 Strategy and Management
121. Biometrical Journal 3233847 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
122. SORT 16962281 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
123. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 3036898 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
124. South African Statistical Journal 0038271X Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
125. Statistica Neerlandica 390402 Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
126. South African Statistical Journal 0038271X Statistics and Probability
127. Statistica Neerlandica 390402 Statistics and Probability
128. Statistica Sinica 10170405 Statistics and Probability
129. Statistical Methods in Medical Research 9622802 Statistics and Probability
130. Statistical Papers 9325026 Statistics and Probability
131. Quantum Information and Computation 15337146 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics
132. Reports on Mathematical Physics 344877 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics
133. Reviews in Mathematical Physics 0129055X Statistical and Nonlinear Physics
134. Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 10619208 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics
135. Advanced Nonlinear Studies 15361365 Statistical and Nonlinear Physics
136. JOURNAL OF HUMAN KINETICS 1640-5544 Sport Sciences
137. JOURNAL OF MOTOR BEHAVIOR 0022-2895 Sport Sciences
139. JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC TRAUMA 0890-5339 Sport Sciences
141. Cochlear Implants International 14670100 Speech and Hearing
142. Annals of Dyslexia 7369387 Speech and Hearing
143. Child Language Teaching and Therapy 2656590 Speech and Hearing
144. Reading and Writing 9224777 Speech and Hearing
145. Journal of Phonetics 954470 Speech and Hearing
146. The Analyst 32654 Spectroscopy
147. Analytica Chimica Acta 32670 Spectroscopy
148. Analytical Letters 32719 Spectroscopy
149. Applied Spectroscopy 37028 Spectroscopy
150. Atomic Spectroscopy 1955373 Spectroscopy
151. Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 664146 Space and Planetary Science
152. Astronomical Journal 46256 Space and Planetary Science
153. Astronomische Nachrichten 46337 Space and Planetary Science
154. Astronomy and Astrophysics 46361 Space and Planetary Science
155. Astronomy and Astrophysics Review 9354956 Space and Planetary Science
156. Pedosphere 10020160 Soil Science
157. Suo 395471 Soil Science
158. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 3067319 Soil Science
159. Soil and Sediment Contamination 15320383 Soil Science
160. BioCycle 2765055 Soil Science
161. Chinese Education and Society 10611932 Sociology and Political Science
162. Space Policy 2659646 Sociology and Political Science
163. Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems 101923 Sociology and Political Science
164. German Life and Letters 168777 Sociology and Political Science
165. Contemporary Pacific 1043898X Sociology and Political Science
166. Kybernetes 0368492X Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
167. Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems 101923 Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
168. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 8997640 Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
169. Contemporary Family Therapy 8922764 Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
170. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society 9641998 Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
171. Global Networks 14702266 Social Sciences (all)
172. Regional Studies 343404 Social Sciences (all)
173. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 27162 Social Sciences (all)
174. JASSS 14607425 Social Sciences (all)
175. Journal of Biosocial Science 219320 Social Sciences (all)
176. Personality and Social Psychology Review 10888683 Social Psychology
177. Social Psychology of Education 13812890 Social Psychology
178. Contemporary Family Therapy 8922764 Social Psychology
179. Learning and Individual Differences 10416080 Social Psychology
180. Culture and Psychology 1354067X Social Psychology
181. Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists 1080288 Small Animals
182. Topics in Companion Animal Medicine 19389736 Small Animals
183. Annals of Animal Science 16423402 Small Animals
184. Revue Veterinaire Clinique 22145672 Small Animals
185. Dog Behavior 24210684 Small Animals
186. Eye 0950222X Sensory Systems
187. Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 0721832X Sensory Systems
188. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 1460404 Sensory Systems
189. Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery 8863350 Sensory Systems
190. Journal of Vision   Sensory Systems
191. Radioprotection 338451 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
192. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries 9504230 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
193. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 9575820 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
194. Process Safety Progress 10668527 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
195. Quality Engineering 8982112 Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality
196. Australian Journal of Emergency Management 13241540 Safety Research
197. Peace and Conflict Studies 10827307 Safety Research
198. Security Journal 9551662 Safety Research
199. WIT Transactions on the Built Environment 17433509 Safety Research
200. Asian Security 14799855 Safety Research
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