The compilation of SCIENCE DIRECT Papers that we extend our full assistance to scholars for is presented below. As such, the schedule for publication is contingent upon the unique editorial and peer-review procedures of each journal, rather than being dictated by ScienceDirect. Our team at comprises proficient writers and developers with expertise across various disciplines, providing thorough writing and publication aid for both paid and nonpaid journals.
General Timeline for Publication Process:
- Submission to First Decision: The initial review period can take anywhere from a few weeks to several months. On average, authors can expect an initial decision within 1 to 3 months after submission. This phase we include the initial check by the editorial team and the peer-review process.
- Revisions: If revisions are required, the time needed can significantly vary depending on the extent of the revisions requested and how quickly the authors can resubmit their revised manuscript. In this process we take anywhere from a few weeks to several months.
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- Final Publication: The time from acceptance to appearance in a specific journal issue can vary. Some journals publish articles on a rolling basis as soon as they’re ready, while others may wait to publish articles together in an issue, which can take additional weeks or months.
Factors Influencing Publication Time:
- Field of Study: Some fields have faster review processes due to the nature of the research or urgency (e.g., medical research).
- Journal Workload: High-volume or highly sought-after journals might have longer processing times.
- Quality and Clarity of Submission: Papers that require extensive revisions or clarifications can see longer publication times.
- Peer Review Availability: The availability of suitable, responsive peer reviewers can affect the review timeline.
Top SCIENCE DIRECT journals list
This list showcases the diversity of research fields and topics covered by ScienceDirect journals:
- The Lancet
- Cell
- Journal of the American College of Cardiology
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- NeuroImage
- Materials Science and Engineering: R: Reports
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- Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
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- Journal of Ethnopharmacology
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- Cement and Concrete Research
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- Marine Pollution Bulletin
- International Journal of Project Management
List of SCIENCE DIRECT journals
We offer complete assistance to researchers for the SCIENCE DIRECT papers listed below. Get best writing and publication services from | Journal Title | ISSN | Subjects |
1. | Houille Blanche | 186368 | Water Science and Technology |
2. | Hydrologie und Wasserbewirtschaftung | 14391783 00120235 | Water Science and Technology |
3. | Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering | 380741 | Water Science and Technology |
4. | International Journal of Water Resources Development | 7900627 | Water Science and Technology |
5. | Journal of Water and Health | 14778920 | Water Science and Technology |
6. | ANNUAL REVIEW OF ANIMAL BIOSCIENCES | 2165-8102 | Zoology |
7. | AQUATIC MAMMALS | 0167-5427 | Zoology |
8. | BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY | 1045-2249 | Zoology |
10. | BOLETIM DO INSTITUTO DE PESCA | 0046-9939 | Zoology |
11. | ENVIRONMENTAL FLUID MECHANICS | 1567-7419 | Water Resources |
12. | ENVIRONMENTAL GEOCHEMISTRY AND HEALTH | 0269-4042 | Water Resources |
13. | ENVIRONMENTAL MODELLING & SOFTWARE | 1364-8152 | Water Resources |
15. | ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY | 1520-4081 | Water Resources |
16. | Fresenius Environmental Bulletin | 10184619 | Waste Management and Disposal |
17. | Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine | 12321966 | Waste Management and Disposal |
18. | Journal of Environmental Management | 3014797 | Waste Management and Disposal |
19. | Journal of Environmental Quality | 472425 | Waste Management and Disposal |
20. | Journal of Environmental Radioactivity | 0265931X | Waste Management and Disposal |
21. | Melanges de la Casa de Velazquez | 0076230X | Visual Arts and Performing Arts |
22. | Medievalia et Humanistica | 766127 | Visual Arts and Performing Arts |
23. | Eighteenth-Century Life | 982601 | Visual Arts and Performing Arts |
24. | Keramische Zeitschrift | 230561 | Visual Arts and Performing Arts |
25. | Traditio | 3621529 | Visual Arts and Performing Arts |
26. | Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases | 15303667 | Virology |
27. | Trends in Microbiology | 0966842X | Virology |
28. | Virologie | 12678694 | Virology |
29. | Virology | 426822 | Virology |
30. | Virus Genes | 9208569 | Virology |
31. | ANNUAL REVIEW OF ANIMAL BIOSCIENCES | 2165-8102 | Veterinary Sciences |
32. | ANTHROZOOS | 0892-7936 | Veterinary Sciences |
33. | APPLIED ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR SCIENCE | 0168-1591 | Veterinary Sciences |
35. | AUSTRALIAN VETERINARY JOURNAL | 0005-0423 | Veterinary Sciences |
36. | Journal of Veterinary Science | 1229845X | Veterinary (all) |
37. | Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine | 10427260 | Veterinary (all) |
38. | Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja | 0025004X | Veterinary (all) |
39. | Medycyna Weterynaryjna | 258628 | Veterinary (all) |
40. | New Zealand Veterinary Journal | 480169 | Veterinary (all) |
41. | CARDIORENAL MEDICINE | 1664-3828 | Urology & Nephrology |
42. | CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL NEPHROLOGY | 1342-1751 | Urology & Nephrology |
43. | CLINICAL GENITOURINARY CANCER | 1558-7673 | Urology & Nephrology |
45. | CLINICAL KIDNEY JOURNAL | 2048-8505 | Urology & Nephrology |
46. | World Journal of Urology | 7244983 | Urology |
47. | Andrologia | 3034569 | Urology |
48. | International Urogynecology Journal | 9373462 | Urology |
49. | Asian Journal of Andrology | 1008682X | Urology |
50. | Urogynaecologia International Journal | 11213086 | Urology |
51. | London Journal | 3058034 | Urban Studies |
52. | Urban History | 9639268 | Urban Studies |
53. | Computers, Environment and Urban Systems | 1989715 | Urban Studies |
54. | Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics | 8955638 | Urban Studies |
55. | Rural History: Economy, Society, Culture | 9567933 | Urban Studies |
56. | PROMET-TRAFFIC & TRANSPORTATION | 0353-5320 | Transportation Science & Technology |
57. | TRANSPORT | 1648-4142 | Transportation Science & Technology |
58. | TRANSPORTATION | 0049-4488 | Transportation Science & Technology |
60. | TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AND TECHNOLOGY | 0308-1060 | Transportation Science & Technology |
61. | International Journal of Crashworthiness | 13588265 | Transportation |
62. | Communications – Scientific Letters of the University of Zilina | 13354205 | Transportation |
63. | Transport Reviews | 1441647 | Transportation |
64. | International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management | 9600035 | Transportation |
65. | Research in Transportation Economics | 7398859 | Transportation |
66. | Cellular Therapy and Transplantation | 1867416X | Transplantation |
67. | International Journal of Hematology-Oncology and Stem Cell Research | 17351243 | Transplantation |
68. | Transplant Research and Risk Management | 11791616 | Transplantation |
69. | CKJ: Clinical Kidney Journal | 20488505 | Transplantation |
70. | International Journal of Organ Transplantation Medicine | 20086490 | Transplantation |
71. | Chemico-Biological Interactions | 92797 | Toxicology |
72. | Critical Reviews in Toxicology | 10408444 | Toxicology |
73. | Addictive Behaviors | 3064603 | Toxicology |
74. | Alcohol | 7418329 | Toxicology |
75. | Alcohol and Alcoholism | 7350414 | Toxicology |
76. | Journal of Leisure Research | 222216 | Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management |
77. | Leisure Sciences | 1490400 | Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management |
78. | Leisure Studies | 2614367 | Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management |
79. | Annals of Tourism Research | 1607383 | Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management |
80. | Museum Management and Curatorship | 9647775 | Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality Management |
81. | EXPERIMENTAL THERMAL AND FLUID SCIENCE | 0894-1777 | Thermodynamics |
82. | FLOW TURBULENCE AND COMBUSTION | 1386-6184 | Thermodynamics |
83. | FLUID PHASE EQUILIBRIA | 0378-3812 | Thermodynamics |
84. | HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER | 0947-7411 | Thermodynamics |
85. | HEAT TRANSFER ENGINEERING | 0145-7632 | Thermodynamics |
86. | Surgical Oncology | 9607404 | Surgery |
87. | Wound Repair and Regeneration | 10671927 | Surgery |
88. | Surgical Oncology Clinics of North America | 10553207 | Surgery |
89. | World Journal of Surgical Oncology | 14777819 | Surgery |
90. | Auris Nasus Larynx | 3858146 | Surgery |
91. | Journal of Applied Polymer Science | 218995 | Surfaces, Coatings and Films |
92. | Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical | 9244247 | Surfaces, Coatings and Films |
93. | Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology | 1694243 | Surfaces, Coatings and Films |
94. | Journal of Plastic Film and Sheeting | 87560879 | Surfaces, Coatings and Films |
95. | Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing | 2724324 | Surfaces, Coatings and Films |
96. | Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces | 9277765 | Surfaces and Interfaces |
97. | Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science | 13590294 | Surfaces and Interfaces |
98. | Langmuir | 7437463 | Surfaces and Interfaces |
99. | Colloid Journal | 1061933X | Surfaces and Interfaces |
100. | European Physical Journal E | 12928941 | Surfaces and Interfaces |
101. | JOURNAL OF STUDIES ON ALCOHOL AND DRUGS | 1937-1888 | Substance Abuse |
102. | NICOTINE & TOBACCO RESEARCH | 1462-2203 | Substance Abuse |
103. | SUBSTANCE ABUSE | 0889-7077 | Substance Abuse |
104. | SUBSTANCE USE & MISUSE | 1082-6084 | Substance Abuse |
105. | TOBACCO CONTROL | 0964-4563 | Substance Abuse |
106. | Canadian Entomologist | 0008347X | Structural Biology |
107. | Computational Biology and Chemistry | 14769271 | Structural Biology |
108. | Crystallography Reviews | 0889311X | Structural Biology |
109. | Journal of Molecular Recognition | 9523499 | Structural Biology |
110. | Journal of Peptide Science | 10752617 | Structural Biology |
111. | Rocky Mountain Geology | 15557332 | Stratigraphy |
112. | Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences | 2517493 | Stratigraphy |
113. | Annales Societatis Geologorum Poloniae | 2089068 | Stratigraphy |
114. | Foldtani Kozlony | 0015542X | Stratigraphy |
115. | Andean Geology | 7187092 | Stratigraphy |
116. | Journal of Advanced Transportation | 1976729 | Strategy and Management |
117. | European Journal of Industrial Relations | 9596801 | Strategy and Management |
118. | Journal of Cleaner Production | 9596526 | Strategy and Management |
119. | Journal of Operations Management | 2726963 | Strategy and Management |
120. | Industrial Management and Data Systems | 2635577 | Strategy and Management |
121. | Biometrical Journal | 3233847 | Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty |
122. | SORT | 16962281 | Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty |
123. | Scandinavian Journal of Statistics | 3036898 | Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty |
124. | South African Statistical Journal | 0038271X | Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty |
125. | Statistica Neerlandica | 390402 | Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty |
126. | South African Statistical Journal | 0038271X | Statistics and Probability |
127. | Statistica Neerlandica | 390402 | Statistics and Probability |
128. | Statistica Sinica | 10170405 | Statistics and Probability |
129. | Statistical Methods in Medical Research | 9622802 | Statistics and Probability |
130. | Statistical Papers | 9325026 | Statistics and Probability |
131. | Quantum Information and Computation | 15337146 | Statistical and Nonlinear Physics |
132. | Reports on Mathematical Physics | 344877 | Statistical and Nonlinear Physics |
133. | Reviews in Mathematical Physics | 0129055X | Statistical and Nonlinear Physics |
134. | Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics | 10619208 | Statistical and Nonlinear Physics |
135. | Advanced Nonlinear Studies | 15361365 | Statistical and Nonlinear Physics |
136. | JOURNAL OF HUMAN KINETICS | 1640-5544 | Sport Sciences |
137. | JOURNAL OF MOTOR BEHAVIOR | 0022-2895 | Sport Sciences |
138. | JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC & SPORTS PHYSICAL THERAPY | 0190-6011 | Sport Sciences |
139. | JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC TRAUMA | 0890-5339 | Sport Sciences |
140. | JOURNAL OF REHABILITATION MEDICINE | 1650-1977 | Sport Sciences |
141. | Cochlear Implants International | 14670100 | Speech and Hearing |
142. | Annals of Dyslexia | 7369387 | Speech and Hearing |
143. | Child Language Teaching and Therapy | 2656590 | Speech and Hearing |
144. | Reading and Writing | 9224777 | Speech and Hearing |
145. | Journal of Phonetics | 954470 | Speech and Hearing |
146. | The Analyst | 32654 | Spectroscopy |
147. | Analytica Chimica Acta | 32670 | Spectroscopy |
148. | Analytical Letters | 32719 | Spectroscopy |
149. | Applied Spectroscopy | 37028 | Spectroscopy |
150. | Atomic Spectroscopy | 1955373 | Spectroscopy |
151. | Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics | 664146 | Space and Planetary Science |
152. | Astronomical Journal | 46256 | Space and Planetary Science |
153. | Astronomische Nachrichten | 46337 | Space and Planetary Science |
154. | Astronomy and Astrophysics | 46361 | Space and Planetary Science |
155. | Astronomy and Astrophysics Review | 9354956 | Space and Planetary Science |
156. | Pedosphere | 10020160 | Soil Science |
157. | Suo | 395471 | Soil Science |
158. | International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry | 3067319 | Soil Science |
159. | Soil and Sediment Contamination | 15320383 | Soil Science |
160. | BioCycle | 2765055 | Soil Science |
161. | Chinese Education and Society | 10611932 | Sociology and Political Science |
162. | Space Policy | 2659646 | Sociology and Political Science |
163. | Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems | 101923 | Sociology and Political Science |
164. | German Life and Letters | 168777 | Sociology and Political Science |
165. | Contemporary Pacific | 1043898X | Sociology and Political Science |
166. | Kybernetes | 0368492X | Social Sciences (miscellaneous) |
167. | Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems | 101923 | Social Sciences (miscellaneous) |
168. | Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly | 8997640 | Social Sciences (miscellaneous) |
169. | Contemporary Family Therapy | 8922764 | Social Sciences (miscellaneous) |
170. | Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society | 9641998 | Social Sciences (miscellaneous) |
171. | Global Networks | 14702266 | Social Sciences (all) |
172. | Regional Studies | 343404 | Social Sciences (all) |
173. | Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science | 27162 | Social Sciences (all) |
174. | JASSS | 14607425 | Social Sciences (all) |
175. | Journal of Biosocial Science | 219320 | Social Sciences (all) |
176. | Personality and Social Psychology Review | 10888683 | Social Psychology |
177. | Social Psychology of Education | 13812890 | Social Psychology |
178. | Contemporary Family Therapy | 8922764 | Social Psychology |
179. | Learning and Individual Differences | 10416080 | Social Psychology |
180. | Culture and Psychology | 1354067X | Social Psychology |
181. | Bulletin of the European Association of Fish Pathologists | 1080288 | Small Animals |
182. | Topics in Companion Animal Medicine | 19389736 | Small Animals |
183. | Annals of Animal Science | 16423402 | Small Animals |
184. | Revue Veterinaire Clinique | 22145672 | Small Animals |
185. | Dog Behavior | 24210684 | Small Animals |
186. | Eye | 0950222X | Sensory Systems |
187. | Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology | 0721832X | Sensory Systems |
188. | Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science | 1460404 | Sensory Systems |
189. | Journal of Cataract and Refractive Surgery | 8863350 | Sensory Systems |
190. | Journal of Vision | Sensory Systems | |
191. | Radioprotection | 338451 | Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality |
192. | Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries | 9504230 | Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality |
193. | Process Safety and Environmental Protection | 9575820 | Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality |
194. | Process Safety Progress | 10668527 | Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality |
195. | Quality Engineering | 8982112 | Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality |
196. | Australian Journal of Emergency Management | 13241540 | Safety Research |
197. | Peace and Conflict Studies | 10827307 | Safety Research |
198. | Security Journal | 9551662 | Safety Research |
199. | WIT Transactions on the Built Environment | 17433509 | Safety Research |
200. | Asian Security | 14799855 | Safety Research |