Scopus Indexed Journals in Computer Science and Engineering

The following are discussed: Scopus Indexed Journals in Computer Science and Engineering. We provide a hassle-free service for your publication. Our publication offers immediate access to every step by resolving all your research concerns.

  1. Information Sciences: An interdisciplinary journal covering the theory and application of information in computer science, system science, and information systems.
  2. Journal of Information Technology: Publishes work on the theory and practices of information technology.
  3. Information Systems: Focuses on the management, use, and implications of information technology in organizations.
  4. Information and Management: Covers the use of IT to improve business performance and the role of IT in organizations and society.
  5. Journal of Strategic Information Systems: Deals with strategic management, business, and organizational issues associated with the introduction and utilization of information systems.
  6. Decision Support Systems: Focuses on the study of tools and methods for decision support, including information systems and analytical techniques.
  7. Information Processing & Management: Offers research on information systems, library science, and information science.
  8. Computers in Human Behavior: Studies the impact of computers on human behavior and the interactions between humans and computers.
  9. Journal of Computer Information Systems: Explores issues related to information technology research, practice, and education.
  10. Information Technology for Development: Discusses the role of information technology in socio-economic development.
  11. International Journal of Information Management: Addresses the strategies, policies, and tools required to manage digital information and knowledge resources.
  12. Information Systems Journal: Publishes articles on the theory, practice, methodology, and applications of information systems.
  13. European Journal of Information Systems: Provides a distinctive European perspective on the theory and practice of information systems.
  14. Information Systems Frontiers: Explores the trends and developments in the field of information systems.
  15. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST): Covers the production, discovery, recording, storage, representation, retrieval, presentation, manipulation, dissemination, use, and evaluation of information.

List of Scopus Indexed Journals in Computer Science and Engineering

We have shared a comprehensive list of Scopus Indexed Journals in Computer Science and Engineering, as well as publication suggestions, in a detailed format on our website Journal Title ISSN Subject
1. Complex and Intelligent Systems 21994536 Computer Science
2. Complex Systems 08912513 Computer Science
3. Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly 22559922 Computer Science
4. Complexity 10762787 Computer Science
5. Complexity International 13200682 Computer Science
6. Control and Dynamic Systems 00905267 Computer Science
7. Control and Intelligent Systems 14801752 Computer Science
8. Control Engineering and Applied Informatics 14548658 Computer Science
9. Control Engineering Practice 09670661 Computer Science
10. Control Theory and Technology 20956983 Computer Science
11. Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 21921962 Computer Science
12. Human-Computer Interaction 07370024 Computer Science
13. IACR Transactions on Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems 25692925 Computer Science
14. IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2519173X Computer Science
15. IAENG International Journal of Computer Science 1819656X Computer Science
16. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 15249050 Computer Science
17. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 23798858 Computer Science
18. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 10414347 Computer Science
19. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 19391382 Computer Science
20. IEEE Transactions on Man-Machine Systems 05361540 Computer Science
21. Information Processing Letters 00200190 Computer Science
22. Information Professional 1743694X Computer Science
23. Information Retrieval 13864564 Computer Science
24. Information Retrieval Series 18717500 Computer Science
25. Information Sciences 00200255 Computer Science
26. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications 00989886 Computer Science
27. International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing 19984464 Computer Science
28. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology 09766308 Computer Science
29. International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing 21561834 Computer Science
30. International Journal of Cloud Computing 20439989 Computer Science
31. International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems 17578779 Computer Science
32. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection 18745482 Computer Science
33. International Journal of Crowd Science 23987294 Computer Science
34. International Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and Management 19479247 Computer Science
35. International Journal of Cyber Warfare and Terrorism 19473435 Computer Science
36. International Journal of Information Technologies and Systems Approach 1935570X Computer Science
37. International Journal of Information Technology (Singapore) 25112104 Computer Science
38. International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making 02196220 Computer Science
39. International Journal of Information Technology and Management 14614111 Computer Science
40. International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering 15541045 Computer Science
41. Business Informatics 2587814X Computer Science
42. Business Systems Research 18479375 Computer Science
43. Byte 03605280 Computer Science
44. C/C++ Users Journal 10752838 Computer Science
45. CAAI Transactions on Intelligence Technology 24686557 Computer Science
46. Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research 19859899 Computer Science
47. Archeologia e Calcolatori 11206861 Computer Science
48. Architectural Technology 1361326X Computer Science
49. Archives and Museum Informatics 10421467 Computer Science
50. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 11343060 Computer Science
51. Journal of Computational Information Systems 15539105 Computer Science
52. Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 14727978 Computer Science
53. Journal of Computational Physics 00219991 Computer Science
54. Journal of Computational Physics: X 25900552 Computer Science
55. Journal of Computational Science 18777503 Computer Science
56. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Acoustics 25917285 Computer Science
57. Journal of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry 02196336 Computer Science
58. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology 15706672 Computer Science
59. Journal of Uncertain Systems 17528909 Computer Science
60. Journal of Universal Computer Science 0948695X Computer Science
61. Research Journal of Information Technology 18157432 Computer Science
62. Research on Language and Computation 15707075 Computer Science
63. Research Reports on Information Science and Electrical Engineering of Kyushu University 13423819 Computer Science
64. Resource Sharing and Information Networks 07377797 Computer Science
65. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 09218890 Computer Science
66. Schedae Informaticae 17323916 Computer Science
67. Science and Innovation 24099066 Computer Science
68. Science China Information Sciences 1674733X Computer Science
69. Science in China, Series F: Information Sciences 10092757 Computer Science
70. Science of Computer Programming 01676423 Computer Science
71. Smart Cities 26246511 Computer Science
72. Smart Health 23526483 Computer Science
73. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies 21903018 Computer Science
74. Smart Learning Environments 21967091 Computer Science
75. Smart Materials and Structures 09641726 Computer Science
76. Technoetic Arts 1477965X Computer Science
77. Technologies 22277080 Computer Science
78. Technology and Health Care 09287329 Computer Science
79. Technology Innovation Management Review 19270321 Computer Science
80. Technology, Knowledge and Learning 22111662 Computer Science
81. Journal of Medical Artificial Intelligence 26172496 Computer Science
82. Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine 20080387 Computer Science
83. Journal of Medical Robotics Research 2424905X Computer Science
84. Journal of Medical Signals and Sensors 22287477 Computer Science
85. Journal of Medical Systems 01485598 Computer Science
86. Journal of Information Technology Education: Discussion Cases 21661316 Computer Science
87. Journal of Information Technology Education: Innovations in Practice 21653151 Computer Science
88. Journal of Information Technology Education:Research 15479714 Computer Science
89. Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education 0962029X Computer Science
90. Journal of Information Technology in Construction 18744753 Computer Science
91. International Journal of Digital & Analog Cabled Systems 08943222 Computer Science
92. International journal of digital and analog communication systems 10479627 Computer Science
93. International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications 19759339 Computer Science
94. International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics 19416210 Computer Science
95. International Journal of Digital Earth 17538947 Computer Science
96. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence 2471285X Computer Science
97. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 21686750 Computer Science
98. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation 1089778X Computer Science
99. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 10636706 Computer Science
100. IEEE Transactions on Games 24751502 Computer Science
101. El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering 21483736 Computer Science
102. E-Learning and Digital Media 17418887 Computer Science
103. Electronic Commerce Research 13895753 Computer Science
104. Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 15674223 Computer Science
105. Electronic Communications of the EASST 18632122 Computer Science
106. Controle and Automacao 01031759 Computer Science
107. Corpus Pragmatics 25099515 Computer Science
108. CrossTalk 21601577 Computer Science
109. Cryptography 2410387X Computer Science
110. Cryptography and Communications 19362447 Computer Science
111. Computer Science and Information Systems 18200214 Computer Science
112. Computer Science Education 08993408 Computer Science
113. Computer Science Journal of Moldova 15614042 Computer Science
114. Computer Science Review 15740137 Computer Science
115. Computer Security Journal 02770865 Computer Science
116. ALT-J: Research in Learning Technology 09687769 Computer Science
117. American Journal of Distance Education 08923647 Computer Science
118. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 19417020 Computer Science
119. Analog Circuits and Signal Processing 1872082X Computer Science
120. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing 09251030 Computer Science
121. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining 19321864 Computer Science
122. Statistical Theory and Related Fields 24754269 Computer Science
123. Statistics and Computing 09603174 Computer Science
124. Statistics, Optimization and Information Computing 2311004X Computer Science
125. STEAM-H: Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Mathematics and Health 2520193X Computer Science
126. Texto Livre 19833652 Computer Science
127. The Bulletin of Mathematical Biophysics 00074985 Computer Science
128. Theoretical Computer Science 03043975 Computer Science
129. Theory and Decision 00405833 Computer Science
130. Theory and Practice of Logic Programming 14710684 Computer Science
131. Software – Practice and Experience 00380644 Computer Science
132. Software and Systems Modeling 16191366 Computer Science
133. Software Engineering Journal 02686961 Computer Science
134. Software Impacts 26659638 Computer Science
135. Software Process Improvement and Practice 10774866 Computer Science
136. Preservation, Digital Technology and Culture 21952957 Computer Science
137. Prikladnaya Diskretnaya Matematika 20710410 Computer Science
138. Problems of Information Transmission 00329460 Computer Science
139. Proceedings of the ACM on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques 25776193 Computer Science
140. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 25730142 Computer Science
141. Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India), Part CP: Computer Engineering Division 09710469 Computer Science
142. Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series B 22502106 Computer Science
143. Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision 10847529 Computer Science
144. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 07181876 Computer Science
145. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 19928645 Computer Science
146. Journal of Discrete Algorithms 15708667 Computer Science
147. Journal of Documentation 00220418 Computer Science
148. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME 00220434 Computer Science
149. Journal of Education and e-Learning Research 25180169 Computer Science
150. Journal of Educational Computing Research 07356331 Computer Science
151. IT Professional 15209202 Computer Science
152. ITALICS Innovations in Teaching and Learning in Information and Computer Sciences 14737507 Computer Science
153. ITB Journal of Information and Communication Technology 19783086 Computer Science
154. ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications 21867364 Computer Science
155. ITNOW 17465702 Computer Science
156. International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing 02196913 Computer Science
157. International Journal of Web and Grid Services 17411106 Computer Science
158. International Journal of Web Based Communities 14778394 Computer Science
159. International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology 14761289 Computer Science
160. International Journal of Web Information Systems 17440084 Computer Science
161. International Journal of Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Engineering Systems 13272314 Computer Science
162. International Journal of Machine Consciousness 17938430 Computer Science
163. International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing 20103700 Computer Science
164. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics 18688071 Computer Science
165. International Journal of Management 09766502 Computer Science
166. International Journal of Electronic Finance 17460069 Computer Science
167. International Journal of Electronic Governance 17427509 Computer Science
168. International Journal of Electronic Government Research 15483886 Computer Science
169. International Journal of Electronic Security and Digital Forensics 1751911X Computer Science
170. International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications 20818491 Computer Science
171. International Conference on Systems Biology, ISB 23250704 Computer Science
172. International Game Theory Review 02191989 Computer Science
173. International Journal for Engineering Modelling 13301365 Computer Science
174. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering 15431649 Computer Science
175. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 20407939 Computer Science
176. Information Technologies and International Development 15447529 Computer Science
177. Information Technology and Control 1392124X Computer Science
178. Information Technology and Disabilities 10735127 Computer Science
179. Information Technology and Libraries 07309295 Computer Science
180. Information Technology and Management 1385951X Computer Science
181. IEEE Transactions on Robotics 15523098 Computer Science
182. IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 19391374 Computer Science
183. IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks 2373776X Computer Science
184. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 1053587X Computer Science
185. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 19493053 Computer Science
186. IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society 2644125X Computer Science
187. IEEE Open Journal of the Computer Society 26441268 Computer Science
188. IEEE Parallel and Distributed Technology 10636552 Computer Science
189. IEEE Pervasive Computing 15361268 Computer Science
190. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 23773766 Computer Science
191. Cyber-Physical Systems 23335785 Computer Science
192. Cyberpsychology and Behavior 10949313 Computer Science
193. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 21522715 Computer Science
194. Cybersecurity 20964862 Computer Science
195. Cyborg and Bionic Systems 20971087 Computer Science
196. Computer Software 02896540 Computer Science
197. Computer Speech and Language 08852308 Computer Science
198. Computer Standards and Interfaces 09205489 Computer Science
199. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 09259724 Computer Science
200. Computer Systems Science and Engineering 02676192 Computer Science


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