Scopus Paid Journals in Computer Science

In this page we present a compilation of esteemed computer science journals indexed in Scopus that provide both paid and unpaid open access publication options. We have included a detailed format for manuscript preparation as provided by our team. For further information, please visit

  1. Frontiers in Computer Science: An open-access journal covering a wide range of topics in computer science.
  2. IEEE Access: Presents a multidisciplinary, all-electronic archival journal, facilitating the rapid publication of high-quality, peer-reviewed papers in all areas of IEEE’s interest, including computer science.
  3. PLOS ONE: Publishes original research from all areas of science and engineering, including computer science, and uses an open access model.
  4. Computers & Electrical Engineering: Provides a forum for publishing the latest research in electrical engineering and computer science, with an open access option.
  5. Journal of Computer Languages (COLA): Offers comprehensive coverage on all aspects of programming and computer languages, with open access.
  6. SoftwareX: Aims to acknowledge the impact of software on today’s research practice, and on new scientific discoveries in almost all research domains. SoftwareX also provides an open access platform.
  7. Journal of Information Security and Applications: Publishes original research on the development and application of security technology, with an open access model.
  8. Sensors: An open access journal on the science and technology of sensors and biosensors.
  9. Symmetry: A multidisciplinary journal covering research on symmetry phenomena wherever they occur, including computer science, with open access.
  10. Information: An open access journal that publishes studies on information processes and systems, including computing and communications networks.
  11. Algorithms: An open access journal which provides an advanced forum for studies related to algorithms and their applications.
  12. Future Internet: An international, scholarly, peer-reviewed, open access journal on Internet technologies and the information society.
  13. Big Data and Cognitive Computing (BDCC): An international, scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal on big data and cognitive computing.
  14. Information and Software Technology: While traditionally subscription-based, it often offers open access options for articles. It covers the latest research and practical applications in software technology.
  15. ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare (HEALTH): This is part of the ACM’s open model, which includes open access for some articles, focusing on computing technologies for healthcare.

List Of Scopus Paid Journals in Computer Science

We have gathered a list of Scopus Paid Journals in Computer Science for your reference. Additionally, we offer expedited delivery services to help reduce the publication time by half. Journal Title ISSN Subject
1. 3D Printing in Medicine   Computer Science
2. 3D Research   Computer Science
3. 4OR 16194500 Computer Science
4. AAPP Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali 03650359 Computer Science
5. Accounting, Management and Information Technologies 09598022 Computer Science
6. ACM Communications in Computer Algebra 19322232 Computer Science
7. ACM Computing Surveys 03600300 Computer Science
8. ACM Inroads 21532184 Computer Science
9. ACM Journal on Educational Resources in Computing 15314278 Computer Science
10. ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems 15504832 Computer Science
11. ACM SIGBED Review   Computer Science
12. ACM SIGPLAN Notices 15232867 Computer Science
13. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing 19367228 Computer Science
14. ACM Transactions on Applied Perception 15443558 Computer Science
15. ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing 23754699 Computer Science
16. ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing 15300226 Computer Science
17. ACM Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems 15564665 Computer Science
18. ACM Transactions on Computation Theory 19423454 Computer Science
19. ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 15293785 Computer Science
20. ACM Transactions on Computer Systems 07342071 Computer Science
21. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 10730516 Computer Science
22. ACM Transactions on Computing Education   Computer Science
23. ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcare 26911957 Computer Science
24. ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems 2378962X Computer Science
25. ACM Transactions on Database Systems 03625915 Computer Science
26. ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems 10844309 Computer Science
27. ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation 21678375 Computer Science
28. ACM Transactions on Graphics 07300301 Computer Science
29. ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction   Computer Science
30. ACM Transactions on Information and System Security 10949224 Computer Science
31. ACM Transactions on Information Systems 10468188 Computer Science
32. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology 21576904 Computer Science
33. ACM Transactions on Internet of Things 25776207 Computer Science
34. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 15335399 Computer Science
35. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data 15564681 Computer Science
36. ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems 2158656X Computer Science
37. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 00983500 Computer Science
38. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation 10493301 Computer Science
39. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Performance Evaluation of Computing Systems 23763639 Computer Science
40. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications 15516857 Computer Science
41. ACM Transactions on Parallel Computing 23294949 Computer Science
42. ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security 24712566 Computer Science
43. ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 01640925 Computer Science
44. ACM Transactions on Reconfigurable Technology and Systems 19367406 Computer Science
45. ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks 15504859 Computer Science
46. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 1049331X Computer Science
47. ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems 23740353 Computer Science
48. ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing 15504875 Computer Science
49. ACM Transactions on Storage 15533077 Computer Science
50. ACM Transactions on the Web 15591131 Computer Science
51. ACS Physical Chemistry Au   Computer Science
52. Acta Cybernetica 0324721X Computer Science
53. Acta Informatica 00015903 Computer Science
54. Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica Mathematics and Computing Series 14569418 Computer Science
55. Ad Hoc Networks 15708705 Computer Science
56. Ada User Journal 13816551 Computer Science
57. Adaptation, Learning, and Optimization 18674534 Computer Science
58. Ad-Hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks 15519899 Computer Science
59. Advanced Control for Applications: Engineering and Industrial Systems   Computer Science
60. Advanced Engineering Informatics 14740346 Computer Science
61. Advanced Imaging 10420711 Computer Science
62. Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing 16103947 Computer Science
63. Advanced Information Technology 1348513X Computer Science
64. Advanced Quantum Technologies   Computer Science
65. Advanced Robotics 01691864 Computer Science
66. Advanced Science Letters 19366612 Computer Science
67. Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications 16135113 Computer Science
68. Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing 14392232 Computer Science
69. Advances in Adaptive Data Analysis 17935369 Computer Science
70. Advances in Bioinformatics 16878027 Computer Science
71. Advances in Chemical Physics 00652385 Computer Science
72. Advances in Computational Design 23838477 Computer Science
73. Advances in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 21916594 Computer Science
74. Advances in Computers 00652458 Computer Science
75. Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 18625347 Computer Science
76. Advances in Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence Journal   Computer Science
77. Advances in E-Business Research Series 19352700 Computer Science
78. Advances in Engineering Software 09659978 Computer Science
79. Advances in High Performance Computing 13687638 Computer Science
80. Advances in Information Sciences and Service Sciences 19763700 Computer Science
81. Advances in Information Security 15682633 Computer Science
82. Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing 18675662 Computer Science
83. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 21945357 Computer Science
84. Advances in Mathematics of Communications 19305346 Computer Science
85. Advances in Modelling and Analysis B 12404543 Computer Science
86. Advances in Parallel Computing 09275452 Computer Science
87. AEDS Journal 00011037 Computer Science
88. AEU-Archiv für Elektronik und Uberträgungstechnik 00011096 Computer Science
89. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 18117295 Computer Science
90. African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and Development 20421338 Computer Science
91. AGIT- Journal fur Angewandte Geoinformatik 23649283 Computer Science
92. AI and Society 09515666 Computer Science
93. AI Applications 10518266 Computer Science
94. AI Communications 09217126 Computer Science
95. AI Magazine 07384602 Computer Science
96. Aibi, Revista de Investigacion Administracion e Ingenierias   Computer Science
97. AIRO Springer Series 25237047 Computer Science
98. AIS Transactions on Replication Research   Computer Science
99. AIUB Journal of Science and Engineering 16083679 Computer Science
100. Alcatel Telecommunications Review 12677167 Computer Science
101. Algorithmic Finance 21585571 Computer Science
102. Algorithmica 01784617 Computer Science
103. Aloma 11383194 Computer Science
104. American Journal of Distance Education 08923647 Computer Science
105. American Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 19417020 Computer Science
106. Analog Circuits and Signal Processing 1872082X Computer Science
107. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing 09251030 Computer Science
108. Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae 17875021 Computer Science
109. Annals of Cases on Information Technology 1537937X Computer Science
110. Annals of Data Science 21985804 Computer Science
111. Annals of Emerging Technologies in Computing 25160281 Computer Science
112. Annals of Library and Information Studies 09725423 Computer Science
113. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 10122443 Computer Science
114. Annals of Software Engineering 10227091 Computer Science
115. Annals of the History of Computing 01641239 Computer Science
116. Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series 12236934 Computer Science
117. Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems   Computer Science
118. Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine 15548716 Computer Science
119. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology 00664200 Computer Science
120. Annual Reviews in Control 13675788 Computer Science
121. Applied Bioinformatics 11755636 Computer Science
122. Applied Categorical Structures 09272852 Computer Science
123. Applied Clinical Informatics   Computer Science
124. Applied Computer Science 18953735 Computer Science
125. Applied Intelligence 0924669X Computer Science
126. Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences 19350090 Computer Science
127. Applied Ontology 15705838 Computer Science
128. Applied Science and Engineering Progress 26729156 Computer Science
129. Applied Signal Processing 09410635 Computer Science
130. Applied Soft Computing Journal 15684946 Computer Science
131. Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research 19859899 Computer Science
132. Archeologia e Calcolatori 11206861 Computer Science
133. Architectural Technology 1361326X Computer Science
134. Archives and Museum Informatics 10421467 Computer Science
135. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 11343060 Computer Science
136. Archives of Design Research 12268046 Computer Science
137. Argument and Computation 19462166 Computer Science
138. Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics   Computer Science
139. Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming   Computer Science
140. Artificial Intelligence 00043702 Computer Science
141. Artificial Intelligence and Law 09248463 Computer Science
142. Artificial Intelligence for Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing: AIEDAM 08900604 Computer Science
143. Artificial Intelligence in Engineering 09541810 Computer Science
144. Artificial Intelligence in Geosciences   Computer Science
145. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 09333657 Computer Science
146. Artificial Intelligence Review 02692821 Computer Science
147. Artificial Life 10645462 Computer Science
148. Artificial Life and Robotics 14335298 Computer Science
149. ASEAN Engineering Journal   Computer Science
150. Aslib Journal of Information Management 20503806 Computer Science
151. Aslib Proceedings: New Information Prespectives 0001253X Computer Science
152. Astronomy and Computing 22131337 Computer Science
153. AtoZ   Computer Science
154. Australasian Journal of Engineering Education 13245821 Computer Science
155. Australian Educational Computing 08169020 Computer Science
156. Australian Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society 14490706 Computer Science
157. Automated Software Engineering 09288910 Computer Science
158. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences 01464116 Computer Science
159. Automatic Control and Computer Sciences (English translation of Avtomatika i Vychislitel’naya Tekhnika) 01324160 Computer Science
160. Automatisierungstechnik 01782312 Computer Science
161. Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 13872532 Computer Science
162. Autonomous Robots 09295593 Computer Science
163. AVS Quantum Science   Computer Science
164. Avtometriya 03207102 Computer Science
165. AZimuth 13876783 Computer Science
166. Batten-Corbet-Lucey Handbooks in Alternative Investments 26293714 Computer Science
167. Behavioral Science and Policy 23794607 Computer Science
168. Behaviour and Information Technology 0144929X Computer Science
169. Beijing Youdian Xueyuan Xuebao/Journal of Beijing University of Posts And Telecommunications 10005145 Computer Science
170. 22839364 Computer Science
171. Big Data 21676461 Computer Science
172. Big Data Research 22145796 Computer Science
173. Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems 18959091 Computer Science
174. Bioinformatics 13674803 Computer Science
175. Bioinformatics Advances   Computer Science
176. Biological Cybernetics 03401200 Computer Science
177. Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2212683X Computer Science
178. Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology 08998205 Computer Science
179. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 17468094 Computer Science
180. Biometric Technology Today 09694765 Computer Science
181. Bioprinting 24058866 Computer Science
182. Biosystems and Biorobotics 21953562 Computer Science
183. BIT Numerical Mathematics 00063835 Computer Science
184. Blockchain in Healthcare Today   Computer Science
185. Blockchain: Research and Applications 20967209 Computer Science
186. BMC Systems Biology   Computer Science
187. Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies 12174696 Computer Science
188. Brain-Computer Interfaces 2326263X Computer Science
189. Bridge 07376278 Computer Science
190. Briefings in Bioinformatics 14675463 Computer Science
191. BT Technology Journal 13583948 Computer Science
192. Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 20893191 Computer Science
193. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 00928240 Computer Science
194. Bulletin of the South Ural State University, Series: Mathematical Modelling, Programming and Computer Software 20710216 Computer Science
195. Bulletin of the Technical Committee on Learning Technology 23060212 Computer Science
196. Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Brasov, Series III: Mathematics and Computer Science 28102029 Computer Science
197. Bulletin of TICMI 15120082 Computer Science
198. Business and Information Systems Engineering 23637005 Computer Science
199. Byte 03605280 Computer Science
200. C/C++ Users Journal 10752838 Computer Science
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