A compilation of UGC Approved Journals 2025 for Computer Engineering is available. For high-quality publication services, we invite you to contact phdprime.com. Our vow lies in bringing outstanding publication solutions that provide to your specific requirements. Do not hesitate to utilize our services at your suitability!
- IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking: We will focus on the design, performance, and management of networks and networking protocols.
- IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management: Covers the management of networks, including telecommunications and data networks.
- IEEE Network: Provides articles on all aspects of networking, from design and management to security and performance optimization.
- Computer Networks (Elsevier): Offers a broad scope covering all aspects of the design, performance, and management of computer networks and protocols.
- IEEE Wireless Communications: Focuses on the technical and policy issues of wireless communications in all media.
- IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing: Covers research and development in mobile computing and mobile and wireless networking.
- IEEE Communications Magazine: Provides comprehensive insights into all areas of communications, including network architectures and protocols.
- Journal of Network and Computer Applications (Elsevier): Focuses on the practical aspects of computer networks and their applications.
- Network Science (Cambridge University Press): Offers an interdisciplinary approach to understanding network systems and their complexities.
- IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications: Publishes high-quality manuscripts on advances in wireless communications.
- Wireless Networks (Springer): Covers the theory and practice of wireless and mobile communication networks.
- Ad Hoc Networks (Elsevier): Focuses on ad hoc and sensor networks, covering all aspects of theory and practice.
- Journal of Computer Networks and Communications (Hindawi): Provides an open-access platform for research in computer networks and communications.
- Mobile Networks and Applications (Springer): Emphasizes applications and services for mobile environments.
- Networks (Wiley): Offers contributions on new developments in the study of networks across a variety of disciplines.
- Security and Communication Networks (Wiley): Focuses on the security challenges and solutions for communication networks.
- IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering: Covers the theory and applications of network science with a focus on engineering aspects.
- Journal of Optical Communications and Networking (OSA): Focuses on advances in optical communications and networking technologies.
- IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications: Publishes articles on various specialized areas in communications.
- ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review: Provides insights and reviews on computer communication and networking research.
List of Ugc Care List Journals 2025 For Computer Science
Some of the Ugc Care List Journals 2024 For Computer Science on various subjects ae listed below. Go through the journal title , if you want more help in easy publication then reach to phdprime.com
S.no | Journal Title | ISSN | Subjects |
1. | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON MATHEMATICAL SOFTWARE | 0098-3500 | Computer Science & Engineering |
3. | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES AND SYSTEMS | 0164-0925 | Computer Science & Engineering |
4. | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON RECONFIGURABLE TECHNOLOGY AND SYSTEMS | 1936-7406 | Computer Science & Engineering |
5. | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING AND METHODOLOGY | 1049-331X | Computer Science & Engineering |
6. | COMPUTING IN SCIENCE & ENGINEERING | 1521-9615 | Computer Science & Engineering |
7. | CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE | 1532-0626 | Computer Science & Engineering |
9. | DESIGN AUTOMATION FOR EMBEDDED SYSTEMS | 0929-5585 | Computer Science & Engineering |
10. | DESIGNS CODES AND CRYPTOGRAPHY | 0925-1022 | Computer Science & Engineering |
11. | INFORMATION SYSTEMS FRONTIERS | 1387-3326 | Computer Science & Engineering |
12. | INFORMATION VISUALIZATION | 1473-8716 | Computer Science & Engineering |
13. | INFORMS JOURNAL ON COMPUTING | 1091-9856 | Computer Science & Engineering |
14. | INTEGRATED COMPUTER-AIDED ENGINEERING | 1069-2509 | Computer Science & Engineering |
15. | INTELLIGENT DATA ANALYSIS | 1088-467X | Computer Science & Engineering |
16. | JOURNAL OF CRYPTOGRAPHIC ENGINEERING | 2190-8508 | Computer Science & Engineering |
17. | JOURNAL OF CRYPTOLOGY | 0933-2790 | Computer Science & Engineering |
18. | JOURNAL OF DATABASE MANAGEMENT | 1063-8016 | Computer Science & Engineering |
19. | JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING | 0956-7968 | Computer Science & Engineering |
20. | JOURNAL OF GRID COMPUTING | 1570-7873 | Computer Science & Engineering |
21. | SEMANTIC WEB | 1570-0844 | Computer Science & Engineering |
22. | SIAM JOURNAL ON COMPUTING | 0097-5397 | Computer Science & Engineering |
23. | SIGMOD RECORD | 0163-5808 | Computer Science & Engineering |
25. | SOFTWARE AND SYSTEMS MODELING | 1619-1366 | Computer Science & Engineering |
26. | THEORY OF COMPUTING | 1557-2862 | Computer Science & Engineering |
27. | THEORY OF COMPUTING SYSTEMS | 1432-4350 | Computer Science & Engineering |
28. | TSINGHUA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | 1007-0214 | Computer Science & Engineering |
29. | UNIVERSAL ACCESS IN THE INFORMATION SOCIETY | 1615-5289 | Computer Science & Engineering |
30. | USER MODELING AND USER-ADAPTED INTERACTION | 0924-1868 | Computer Science & Engineering |
31. | APPLIED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE | 0883-9514 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
32. | APPLIED INTELLIGENCE | 0924-669X | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
33. | ARCHIVES OF CONTROL SCIENCES | 2300-2611 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
34. | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE | Apr-02 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
35. | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE REVIEW | 0269-2821 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
36. | CYBERNETICS AND SYSTEMS | 0196-9722 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
37. | DATA & KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING | 0169-023X | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
38. | DATA MINING AND KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY | 1384-5810 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
39. | DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS | 0167-9236 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
40. | DISCRETE EVENT DYNAMIC SYSTEMS-THEORY AND APPLICATIONS | 0924-6703 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
41. | IEEE-ASME TRANSACTIONS ON MECHATRONICS | 1083-4435 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
42. | IEEE-CAA JOURNAL OF AUTOMATICA SINICA | 2329-9266 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
43. | IEEE COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE MAGAZINE | 1556-603X | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
44. | IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS MAGAZINE | 1066-033X | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
45. | IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS | 1541-1672 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
46. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ROBOTICS | 1552-3098 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
47. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN CYBERNETICS-SYSTEMS | 2168-2216 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
48. | IET BIOMETRICS | 2047-4938 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
49. | IET CONTROL THEORY AND APPLICATIONS | 1751-8644 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
50. | IMAGE AND VISION COMPUTING | 0262-8856 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
52. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS & AUTOMATION | 0826-8185 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
53. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBOTICS RESEARCH | 0278-3649 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
54. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ROBUST AND NONLINEAR CONTROL | 1049-8923 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
55. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIAL ROBOTICS | 1875-4791 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
56. | COMPUTING IN SCIENCE & ENGINEERING | 1521-9615 | Computer Science, Technology & Applications |
57. | CRYPTOLOGIA | 0161-1194 | Computer Science, Technology & Applications |
58. | IEEE COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE LETTERS | 1556-6056 | Computer Science, Technology & Applications |
59. | IEEE MICRO | 0272-1732 | Computer Science, Technology & Applications |
60. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING | 0098-5589 | Computer Science, Technology & Applications |
61. | ALGORITHMS | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence | |
62. | APPLIED COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND SOFT COMPUTING | 1687-9724 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
63. | ARGUMENT & COMPUTATION | 1946-2166 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
64. | ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN AGRICULTURE | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence | |
65. | BIG DATA AND COGNITIVE COMPUTING | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence | |
66. | IEEE OPEN JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence | |
67. | IET CYBER-SYSTEMS AND ROBOTICS | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence | |
69. | INTELLIGENT DECISION TECHNOLOGIES-NETHERLANDS | 1872-4981 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
70. | INTELLIGENZA ARTIFICIALE | 1724-8035 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
71. | JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS | 0334-1860 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
72. | KUNSTLICHE INTELLIGENZ | 0933-1875 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
73. | MACHINE INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH | 2731-538X | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
74. | MACHINE LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE EXTRACTION | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence | |
75. | MULTIMODAL TECHNOLOGIES AND INTERACTION | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence | |
76. | DATA-CENTRIC ENGINEERING | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications | |
77. | DIGITAL DISCOVERY | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications | |
78. | ENGINEERING REPORTS | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications | |
79. | FRONTIERS IN BIG DATA | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications | |
80. | FRONTIERS IN BLOCKCHAIN | 2624-7852 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
81. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURAL MANAGEMENT AND INFORMATICS | 2054-5819 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
82. | JOURNAL OF ADVANCES IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY | 1798-2340 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
83. | MACHINE LEARNING AND KNOWLEDGE EXTRACTION | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications | |
84. | NATURE COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications | |
85. | VISUAL COMPUTING FOR INDUSTRY BIOMEDICINE AND ART | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications | |
86. | ACTA INFORMATICA | Jan-03 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
87. | AD HOC NETWORKS | 1570-8705 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
88. | AD HOC & SENSOR WIRELESS NETWORKS | 1551-9899 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
89. | AEU-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS | 1434-8411 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
90. | ANNALS OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS | Mar-47 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
91. | FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL-DIGITAL INVESTIGATION | Information Technology & Communication Systems | |
92. | FOUNDATIONS AND TRENDS IN INFORMATION RETRIEVAL | 1554-0669 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
93. | ICT EXPRESS | 2405-9595 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
94. | IEEE-ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING | 1063-6692 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
95. | IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS | 1089-7798 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
96. | IEEE NETWORK | 0890-8044 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
97. | IEEE PERVASIVE COMPUTING | 1536-1268 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
98. | IEEE SECURITY & PRIVACY | 1540-7993 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
99. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BROADCASTING | 0018-9316 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
100. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COGNITIVE COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING | 2332-7731 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
101. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING | 1536-1233 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
102. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS | 1536-1276 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
103. | IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS | 1536-1284 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
104. | IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS | 2162-2337 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
105. | IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS | 0916-8516 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
106. | INFORMATION SYSTEMS | 0306-4379 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
107. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AD HOC AND UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING | 1743-8225 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
108. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COOPERATIVE INFORMATION SYSTEMS | 0218-8430 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
109. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF DISTRIBUTED SENSOR NETWORKS | 1550-1329 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
110. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NETWORK MANAGEMENT | 1055-7148 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
111. | JOURNAL OF NETWORK AND SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT | 1064-7570 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
112. | JOURNAL OF OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING | 1943-0620 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
113. | JOURNAL OF ORGANIZATIONAL COMPUTING AND ELECTRONIC COMMERCE | 1091-9392 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
114. | KNOWLEDGE AND INFORMATION SYSTEMS | 0219-1377 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
115. | MOBILE NETWORKS & APPLICATIONS | 1383-469X | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
116. | PHYSICAL COMMUNICATION | 1874-4907 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
117. | TELECOMMUNICATIONS POLICY | 0308-5961 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
118. | TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS | 1018-4864 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
119. | TRANSACTIONS ON EMERGING TELECOMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGIES | 2161-3915 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
120. | VEHICULAR COMMUNICATIONS | 2214-2096 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
121. | IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING LETTERS | 1070-9908 | Signal Processing/Circuits & Systems |
122. | IEEE SIGNAL PROCESSING MAGAZINE | 1053-5888 | Signal Processing/Circuits & Systems |
123. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY | 1051-8215 | Signal Processing/Circuits & Systems |
124. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS II-EXPRESS BRIEFS | 1549-7747 | Signal Processing/Circuits & Systems |
125. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS I-REGULAR PAPERS | 1549-8328 | Signal Processing/Circuits & Systems |
126. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING | 1536-1233 | Telecommunications Technology |
128. | INTERNET RESEARCH | 1066-2243 | Telecommunications Technology |
129. | JOURNAL OF OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING | 1943-0620 | Telecommunications Technology |
130. | OPTICAL SWITCHING AND NETWORKING | 1573-4277 | Telecommunications Technology |
131. | AEU-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS | 1434-8411 | Telecommunications Technology |
132. | BELL LABS TECHNICAL JOURNAL | 1089-7089 | Telecommunications Technology |
133. | EURASIP JOURNAL ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING | 1687-1472 | Telecommunications Technology |
134. | IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE | 0163-6804 | Telecommunications Technology |
135. | IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS AND TUTORIALS | Telecommunications Technology | |
136. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING | 0888-613X | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
137. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTER VISION | 0920-5691 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
138. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL | 0020-7179 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
139. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CONTROL AUTOMATION AND SYSTEMS | 1598-6446 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
140. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES | 1071-5819 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
141. | JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEMS SCIENCES INTERNATIONAL | 1064-2307 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
143. | JOURNAL OF FIELD ROBOTICS | 1556-4959 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
144. | JOURNAL OF HEURISTICS | 1381-1231 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
145. | JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS | 1064-1246 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
146. | MECHATRONICS | 0957-4158 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
147. | MEDICAL IMAGE ANALYSIS | 1361-8415 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
148. | MEMETIC COMPUTING | 1865-9284 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
149. | MODELING IDENTIFICATION AND CONTROL | 0332-7353 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
150. | NATURAL LANGUAGE ENGINEERING | 1351-3249 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
151. | ROBOTICS AND AUTONOMOUS SYSTEMS | 0921-8890 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
152. | ROBOTICS AND COMPUTER-INTEGRATED MANUFACTURING | 0736-5845 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
153. | SCIENCE ROBOTICS | 2470-9476 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
154. | SIAM JOURNAL ON IMAGING SCIENCES | 1936-4954 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
155. | SOFT COMPUTING | 1432-7643 | Ai, Robotics, And Automatic Control |
156. | COMBINATORICA | 0209-9683 | Computer Science & Engineering |
157. | COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM | 0001-0782 | Computer Science & Engineering |
158. | COMPUTER | 0018-9162 | Computer Science & Engineering |
159. | COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN | Oct-85 | Computer Science & Engineering |
160. | COMPUTER AIDED GEOMETRIC DESIGN | 0167-8396 | Computer Science & Engineering |
161. | FRONTIERS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE | 2095-2228 | Computer Science & Engineering |
162. | FUNDAMENTA INFORMATICAE | 0169-2968 | Computer Science & Engineering |
164. | GENETIC PROGRAMMING AND EVOLVABLE MACHINES | 1389-2576 | Computer Science & Engineering |
165. | GEOINFORMATICA | 1384-6175 | Computer Science & Engineering |
166. | JOURNAL ON MULTIMODAL USER INTERFACES | 1783-7677 | Computer Science & Engineering |
167. | LOGICAL METHODS IN COMPUTER SCIENCE | 1860-5974 | Computer Science & Engineering |
168. | MACHINE LEARNING-SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY | Computer Science & Engineering | |
169. | MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING COMPUTATION | 1867-2949 | Computer Science & Engineering |
170. | MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE | 0960-1295 | Computer Science & Engineering |
171. | EVOLUTIONARY INTELLIGENCE | 1864-5909 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
172. | FOUNDATIONS AND TRENDS IN MACHINE LEARNING | 1935-8237 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
173. | FOUNDATIONS OF COMPUTING AND DECISION SCIENCES | 0867-6356 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
174. | FRONTIERS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence | |
175. | GRANULAR COMPUTING | 2364-4966 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
176. | ACCESS-ACCESS TO SCIENCE BUSINESS INNOVATION IN THE DIGITAL ECONOMY | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications | |
177. | ACTA INFORMATICA PRAGENSIA | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications | |
178. | ADVANCES IN COMPUTATIONAL DESIGN, AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL | 2383-8477 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
179. | AI | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications | |
180. | APPLIED COMPUTING AND GEOSCIENCES | 2590-1974 | Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications |
181. | PATTERNS | 2666-3899 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
182. | PROGRESS IN ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE | 2192-6352 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
183. | QUANTUM MACHINE INTELLIGENCE | 2524-4906 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
184. | RADIOLOGY-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE | 2638-6100 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
185. | VIETNAM JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE | 2196-8888 | Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence |
186. | ACM SIGCOMM COMPUTER COMMUNICATION REVIEW | 0146-4833 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
187. | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON AUTONOMOUS AND ADAPTIVE SYSTEMS | 1556-4665 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
188. | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS | 1046-8188 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
189. | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON PRIVACY AND SECURITY | 2471-2566 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
190. | ACM TRANSACTIONS ON SENSOR NETWORKS | 1550-4859 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
191. | IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE | 0163-6804 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
192. | IEEE COMMUNICATIONS SURVEYS AND TUTORIALS | Information Technology & Communication Systems | |
193. | IEEE INTERNET OF THINGS JOURNAL | 2327-4662 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
194. | IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS | 2168-2194 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
195. | IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS | 0733-8716 | Information Technology & Communication Systems |
196. | IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS | 2168-2194 | Telecommunications Technology |
197. | IEEE JOURNAL ON SELECTED AREAS IN COMMUNICATIONS | 0733-8716 | Telecommunications Technology |
198. | IEEE NETWORK | 0890-8044 | Telecommunications Technology |
199. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BROADCASTING | 0018-9316 | Telecommunications Technology |
200. | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS | 0090-6778 | Telecommunications Technology |