VANET Simulation in Matlab

What is VANET?

The inter vehicle communication is the generic term which used to define the vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) along with that the vehicles are tailored with sensors. The interaction among the sensors in this process and other vehicles that are out of the structural design is essential. The standards of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are used to design the VANET.

What is Matlab?

The process of designing and analyzing the systems and products for the data transformation in the programing platform is known as Matlab. The Matlab language is denoted as the foremost objective of Matlab and it is the matrix based language that allows the natural expressions of the computational mathematics.

VANET Simulation

Two significant components are essential for the process of VANET simulation and they are listed below,

  • Network simulator
  • It is deployed to simulate the characteristics of wireless network
  • Vehicular traffic simulator
  • It is used to provide the VANET nodes and mobility model with accuracy

The simulation is beneficial for the users and it is the cost effective process when it is compared with previous implementation. The accurate models are generated using the VANET simulation and that is the nontrivial task with the difficulties in the structural design of VANET. Network and mobility are considered as the significant components in the main building blocks of the VANET simulators.

  • Network based simulation
  • The connected nodes used to exchange some messages and they are simulated through the network based simulation. In VANET simulation, this process includes the road side units, vehicles and the wireless communications. The elements in communication system such as the whole protocol stack have to be modeled and the appropriate metrics are also included in this simulation process. The metrics such as
  • Packet error rates
  • Signal to noise ratio
  • Mobility based simulation
  • While analyzing the aspects of VANET simulation, it proved that the mobility model is essential for the process and that is similar to the real time characteristics of vehicles in traffic. The process of mobility simulation includes the creation of movements in vehicle pattern through some traces. The vehicular mobility includes the difference among the descriptions of micro mobility and macro mobility

Routing in VANETs

Several protocols in VANET routing are proposed recently and for your reference we have enlisted the significant protocols in routing category.

  • Broadcast approach
  • Exchanging information based on safety is the process of broadcast approach such as
  • Achieve cooperative driving in VANET
  • Advertisement
  • Announcements
  • Traffic information services
  • Emergency accident
  • In addition, this broadcast approach includes some challenges too which degrade the efficiency of network
  • Broadcast storm
  • Hidden terminal
  • Link unreliability
  • Message redundancy
  • Unicast approach
  • The information delivery among two nodes through several wireless hops is provided through the unicast protocols. In addition, unicast routing is functional in the VANET comfort applications such as
  • Inter vehicle communications
  • Multimedia access
  • Internet connectivity
  • Some of the unicast protocols based on VANET are listed in the following
  • Position based multi hop broadcast (PMBP)
  • Vehicle assisted data delivery (VADD)
  • Mobility centric data dissemination algorithm (MDDV)
  • Anchor based street and traffic aware routing (A-STAR)
  • Multicast and geocast approach
  • The location based multicast routing is called as the geocast routing process. The main objective of this routing is to distribute the packets from one source node to other nodes and that is in the specified geographical region such as zone of relevance
  • Geocast routing in vehicular ad hoc network includes some routing protocols such as
  • Robust vehicular routing (ROVER)
  • Distributed robust geocast (DRG)

VANET Simulation Using Matlab

To create the VANET simulation in Matlab, VANET toolbox, vehicular network simulator and Simulink library are essential. The library includes the significant layers in vehicular network and they are enlisted below.

  • PHY layer
  • Two ray ground reflection model and AWGN channel is included in this PHY layer which is related to the WAVE and DSRC standards
  • AWGN and Tx and Rx are enhanced through the IEEE 802.11a and implemented using WLAN system toolbox
  • APP layer
  • Vehicular mobility models and message generation is based on the APP layer and the users can simulate deceleration and alter the characteristics of lane
  • Mobility model
  • Lane changing model (LCM)
  • Car following model (CFM)
  • Message generation
  • Lane changing message
  • Basic safety message (BSM)
  • MAC layer
  • As per IEEE 802.11p, the enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA) is implemented through MAC layer. The message entity is 0 from APP layer and it is converted towards the experience channel connection period and frame entity and that is sent to the PHY layer as the waveform entity
  • Waveform is received from the PHY layer and that is converted into the payload to reach the APP layer. It is supportive for the reliable data transmission process

VANET Library

It includes some vehicular objects with the all the three layers such as PHY, MAC and APP. To simulate V2V communication, the control panel block, channel block and vehicle blocks (minimum 2) by the user along with that Simulink demos are included.

VANET Toolbox

The users are receiving fundamental GUI for the execution of simulations in batches through VANET toolbox. GUI will open, when the type of VANET in Matlab used to command window and tune up the required parameters.

For instance, the VANET toolbox includes the Simulink library with the vehicular network blocks. Through dragging the required blocks from the library towards the empty Simulink model, the simulation models are created.

  • WAVE management entity (WME)
  • To demand the multichannel information, the WAVE management entity module is used
  • Wireless multichannel
  • Multichannel PHY process
  • Wireless channel
  • VANET PHY channel process
  • Infrastructure MAC (Road side unit)
  • VANET MAC layer blocks for the infra number of links
  • Vehicle MAC (Multichannel)
  • VANET MAC layer for multichannel process
  • Vehicle MAC
  • VANET MAC layer block for on board unit process
  • Msg
  • VANET application layer block for the payload generator process
  • APP (Multichannel)
  • VANET APP layer block for multichannel process
  • Des_APP_OBU
  • VANET application layer block for on board unit process

In addition to that, some of components in individual Simulink files are created in the blocks. The design structure of VANET toolbox includes the functions of all the three layers.

  • APP layer DES module
  • Integrating network model
  • Vehicle mobility model
  • Time driven
  • Event driven
  • MAC layer DES module
  • EDCA
  • Event driven
  • PHY layer DES module
  • Wireless channel link
  • Time driven

Highway Mobility Scenario in VANET

In 5G heterogeneous mobility, VANET is considered as the most significant contributor. OBU and RSU are denoted as the foremost communicating units in VANET. In the scenario of highway, all the nodes are moving in various velocities and it is parallel to the simulation process. The implementation process includes three lanes in all the directions. While the vehicle is moving in all the lanes and the lane changing characteristics are monitored for the future work. The cluster head selection using fuzzy logic is used in the implementation process. The entire network is categorized into zones and the cluster head is essential for all the zones using the RSU. In addition, the cluster head is selected through the functions of fuzzy logic. The processes in this scenario are enlisted below,

  • Cluster head selection
  • ID of the vehicle saved through all the RSU and its range creates the cluster of vehicles. The cluster head of energy efficient data transmission process is selected with the fuzzy logic
  • Nodes placement and movement
  • It is frequently utilized in the all the traffic directions in lane. The nodes will not cross the lane but it moves in its own. The position and speed of vehicle are responsible for the mobility
  • RSU placement
  • It is place at the perpetual geographical distance, the simulation process store the structure of nodes and RUS are positioned as neighbors, coordinates, distance neighbors and more

The research scholars can choose our research experts to start of your research projects in vehicular ad hoc network simulation in Matlab. Additionally, our research experts offer the whole guidance for the topics for the selection of domain and the assistance which starts from topic selection to the research code implementation process. For your reference, we have listed down some of the research topics based on VANET simulation in Matlab.

Project Topics

  • Multipoint relaying versus chain branch leaf clustering performance in optimized link state routing based vehicular ad hoc networks
  • Retransmission based successful delivery tuning in damaged critical infrastructures for VANETs
  • Grey wolf optimization in VANET to manage platooning of future autonomous electrical vehicles
  • Improved Multihop clustering algorithm in VANET based on dynamic mobility
  • Successful delivery in VANETs with damaged infrastructures based on double cluster head selection

As the end note, we believe that the research scholars have received some knowledge about VANET simulation in Matlab. Our research experts provide the appropriate assistance for your VANET research project such as the significant uses of methods, modifications in the protocols, appropriate research implementation and etc. So, the research scholar can reach our professionals to reach better heights in research career.

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