What is Contiki Simulator

Do you guys ready to acquire the finest knowledge based on Contiki simulator? Then, checkout this article which is about the substantial features of Contiki simulator, supportive protocols based on Contiki simulator and etc.

In general, the Contiki simulator includes some notable features and they are enlisted in the following.

  • Build system
  • Rime stack
  • Regression tests
  • Contiki shell
  • Coffee flash file system
  • Proto threads
  • Hardware platforms
  • Sleepy routers
  • Dynamic module loading
  • Power awareness
  • Full IP networking

To make the process simple, our technical experts have highlighted the process of staring the Contiki simulator for Cooja simulation through the implementation of the commands that are highlighted below.

cd contiki/tools/cooja

ant run

Command Execution to Start Contiki Simulator

The following image is the sample Contiki simulation window which is created through the Contiki simulator for Cooja simulation.

Contiki Simulation Window

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