WBAN stands for Wireless Body Area Network, which is a wireless network, used for connecting several sensor devices to one central device for analyzing and displaying result. By going through this research you can get a better understanding of the topic in detail. Continue reading this research paper to gain more knowledge about this topic.
- Define Wireless Body Area Network
WBAN technology is used to collect data from human body which is incorporated near or inside a human body. The data’s collected by those sensors are then transmitted to other devices or to central hub for storing, monitoring and processing with the help of the technology wireless communication.
- What is Wireless Body Area Network?
WBAN has wirelessly connected actuators and sensors which will then as a group forms a network. In this technology the sensors used for collecting data are fixed to the person body or in clothes or accessories. These sensors can monitor a human body for long time, which can collect data of organs in real-time also for speech and video. For monitoring vital signs like heart rate, blood pressure, glucose levels and body temperature, this technology is used in many industries such as sports, fitness and healthcare. The network use wireless technology for transmitting the collected data like Zigbee, Bluetooth or any other protocols.
- Where Wireless Body Area Network is used?
In this section we are going to discuss about the uses of WBAN. This wireless sensor in WBAN can measure and monitor the physiological parameters of human body and then transmit to a medical control unit or a central server. WBAN technology has been increasingly used in areas like sports, fitness, healthcare monitoring, medical implants, emergency response, elderly care and assisted living, also in applications of defense and military.
- Why Wireless Body Area Network is proposed? Previous Technology Issues
Moving on to the next section, here we are going to discuss about the challenges faced by this WBAN technology in the field of healthcare monitoring; which are decreased network performance, energy efficiency, limited device for computing which leads to a trustless wireless environment. Due to the increase in routing latency and insufficient training model because of path transmission, the signals received from the sensors are of low quality and less receiver sensitivity.
Degraded overall performance: In the existing methods the network couldn’t find a proper route for transmitting data which leads to decrease in performance and low energy efficiency. Decrease in performance can also be caused by network delay and congestion because of connection failure. When using an ineffective method for classification in training a model produces inaccurate outcomes.
Lower receiver sensitivity: The receiver sensitivity like interference would decrease the receiver sensitivity and signal quality when transmitting data between the wireless sensor network and the medial central server in existing model. To make the sensitivity more stabilized in the receiver side of WBAN, filters which have intelligent receiving capability for any challenging situation should be used.
Increased latency: The methods used in earlier technologies, for transmission causes; increase in routing delay because of data flowing at different speeds at each node. This creates challenge for, data propagation between sensor and receiver. Resource limitation in WBAN leads to substantial energy consumption, overhead and latency.
- Algorithms / Protocols
After knowing about the technology, uses of it and the issues faced by them in the earlier stage, now we are going to learn about the algorithms used for this technology. The algorithms provided for WBAN to overcome the previous issues faced by it are: “Elliptic Curve Cryptography” (ECC), “Decision Tree and Linear Regression with Improved Dingo Optimizer” (DT-LR-IDOX), “Quantum Spider Cramer Shoup Public Key Cryptosystem” (QS-CSPKC), “Effective QoS-Based Multi-Path Routing” (MPR) and “Low Range based Joint Source Channel Coding” (LoRa-JSCC).
- Comparative study / Analysis
The “Quantum Spider Cramer Shoup Public Key Cryptosystem” (QS-CSPKC) algorithm is used for packet analysis when there are large number of users are present. This is used in order to find the secure transaction route.
The “Elliptic Curve Cryptography” (ECC) algorithm is used in techniques of encryption and decryption. This method is adopted for its quick calculation and improved security.
The different modulation techniques such as 2CPFSK, 4CPFSK, DPSK, D8PSK from “Low Range based Joint Source Channel Coding” (LoRa-JSCC) algorithm is used in order to improve the sensitivity in receiver side.
The “Decision Tree and Linear Regression with Improved Dingo Optimizer” (DT-LR-IDOX) algorithm can be used for prediction and classification. With the help of decision tree one can identify the emergency situation of a patient.
“Effective QoS-Based Multi-Path Routing” (MPR) technique is used in order to use two different way of routing. One is used in the emergency situation, that is the biosensor node and the other one is for normal situation, which is the multi-hop communication.
- Simulation results / Parameters
The approaches which were proposed to overcome the issues faced by WBAN in the above section are tested using different methodologies to analyze its performance. The comparison is done by using metrics like Accuracy, Reliability, Ratio of Packet Delivery, Path Loss, end-to-end delay and Sensitivity.
- Dataset LINKS / Important URL
Here are some of the links provided for you below to gain more knowledge about WBAN which can be useful for you:
- https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/23/14/6274
- https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/10188609/
- https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/9745093/
- https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1434841123001978
- https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00500-023-07975-7
- Wireless Body Area Network Applications
In this next section we are going to discuss about the applications of WBAN technology. This technology has been employed in many industries, from which some of them are listed here: Home/health care, Multimedia, Data fusion, Real-time feedback, Sports, Remote healthcare monitoring, Medicine and Sensor diversification.
- Topology
Here you are going to learn about the different choices of topologies which can be used in WBAN for monitoring health. They are: Modulation Technique, Routing, Packet Analysis, Classification and Optimization, Data Collection, Encryption and Decryption.
- Environment
The environment which is required for the operation of WBAN in a human body includes Proximity of body, dynamics and movements of body, Biological Interference, Regulatory Considerations, accuracy and reliability, security and privacy.
- Simulation Tools
Here we provide some simulation software for WBAN, which is established with the usage of tools like Python along with Network simulator version 3.26 or above.
- Results
After going through this research based research on WBAN research topics which provide lot of information for you and utilize this to clarify the doubts you have about its technology, applications of this technology, different topologies of it, algorithms followed by it also about the limitations and how it can be overcome.