Research scholars are prerequisites to acquire several subjects for the research in electrical engineering on the latest ideas throughout the academic career of their research. If you have been considering an article that consists of interesting research paper topics for electrical engineering journal list at a single site then you have come to the right place. For your convenience, we have compiled here a list of the top electrical engineering project ideas.
Electrical Engineering Research Subjects
- MIMO transformer models
- Design of a hybrid power system
- Smart grid architecture design
- IoT home networks
- Technologies of Network virtualization
- Semantics, knowledge management, and data acquisition using IoT
- Electric scooter Performance analysis using different motors
- SMART cities and IoT
Generally, our research team selects the reference papers for research from the benchmark papers from highly reputed journals. Significantly, the journals show their significance through the SJR rank, acceptance rate, impact factor, etc. Consequently, we pay more attention to publishing the paper.
Journals exist to publish new knowledge and ideas. Every journal has a statement that tells what it expects in manuscripts that it publishes. So the first step is to read the journal statement which is called the aim and scope. Usually, journals are looking for new, novel, innovative, original research and ideas. Frequently, the manuscript must be written in an academic style, with citations of references for prior material cited by the context and explanation from the benchmark reference papers. In the following, we have highlighted the significant publication procedure.
Publishing Process in Top Electrical Engineering Journal List
- Online submission of the article by the authors
- When the researchers complete paper writing, they have to submit the paper to a journal online. The online submission is denoted as a manuscript submitted online which means the submission through e-mail or a web form on the Internet. On the other way, it can be submitted over an electronic medium such as a compact disc, hard disk, and USB flash drive. But traditionally, a manuscript referred to anything that was explicitly written by hand
- Peer review step
- The peer review is intended to measure the legitimacy, quality, and often the originality of research articles for publication. Its ultimate determination is to uphold the integrity of science by filtering out invalid and poor-quality research articles
- Reviewer’s comments given to authors
- Following, peer review the researchers may receive some comments from the reviewers about the research paper. Which is the reviewer may require some explanations about the proposed idea, the algorithm used for implementation, experimental results, etc.
- Corrections submitted by the authors
- The researcher has to solve and provide the explanation for all the comments asked by the reviewer. The comments have to be solved and the corrected manuscript has to be submitted again to the journal reviewer
- Acceptance / Rejection
- When the author submits all the corrections to the reviewer, he used to analyze the given explanation for comments. If the reviewer accepts the corrections he will provide approval for the manuscript or else he may reject the manuscript
- Copyright transfer by the authors to publication house
- Once the acceptance mail is received from the reviewer, the author has to transfer the copyrights to the publication house
- Copy editing and typesetting
- Copy editing includes the process of taking the original text and creating it for the publication by enhancing the stability, style, structuring, and certifying the accuracy of the content in the manuscript
- Typesetting is the method of organizing text which is composed using individual types of the letters, symbols, and glyphs in digital systems. It’s a fundamental part of the design and that is essential for the understanding of fonts, corresponding font sizes, and line spacing
- Proofreading by authors
- Proofreading is the reading of an electronic copy of the manuscript for publication to find errors in text or any suggestions for changes. In addition, it is the final step in the editorial cycle before publication
- Printing and online publication
- Finally, the research manuscript will be published online
From this, we declare that we provide you with all the necessary help required to write the best research paper and to choose to publish in the reputed electrical engineering journal. For all sorts of research help, you can just contact us. We are very much delighted to help you.
In addition, we have highlighted the list of notable electrical engineering journal list in the below-mentioned excel. So, download the excel and make use of it.